Leader’s Corner: Somayeh Aghnia, Geeks

The Co-Founder and Chair of Geeks and the London School of Innovation outlined the evolution of her career journey and the technology sector, reflecting on the unpredictability of the future in technology. 


Meet educationalist, technologist and entrepreneur, Somayeh Aghnia. Equipped with a career that spans multiple industries and disciplines, Aghnia has co-founded several technology ventures and is currently steering the London School of Innovation towards becoming a degree-awarding institution. Her journey is characterised by change, a love for technology and a commitment to nurturing talent from non-traditional backgrounds.


Leader's Corner Insights with Somayeh Aghnia:



Watch the full Leader's Corner interview below:


Changing passions


Initially, her aspirations lay far from software engineering. Aghnia’s early interests spanned across various fields, from veterinary science to law— “I always moved between science and humanity subjects”. 


However, the practical decision to study software engineering, driven by the desire for the financial stability to fund her hobbies, opened the door to a “limitless world” of technology. What initially began as a pragmatic choice soon evolved into a deep passion, as she discovered the boundless possibilities that technology offers. “So my choice wasn't love at first sight; it was a love that was built over time.”


The birth of Geeks


Innovation is a hallmark of Aghnia’s career. 


Among the many projects she has spearheaded, one stands out: the creation of Geeks Ltd. Faced with the challenge of competing for technology talent in London, Aghnia and her partner sought a creative solution—they came up with the idea of training individuals from the ground up, quickly transforming them into proficient technologists. 


“Talent was always scarce in the technology space… me and my partner sat down over beer and we started solving this problem by thinking about whether we can bring people outside tech into tech and train them.” This initiative not only addressed the talent shortage but also empowered over 300 individuals to succeed in the industry. Geeks eventually evolved into the London School of Innovation, scaling up as a higher education institution with a broader impact.


High stakes and difficult decisions


From aligning projects with core values to managing hiring challenges, Aghnia has faced numerous obstacles during her time as a technology business leader. However, the most trying period in her career was during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


The uncertainty of the time forced her and her team to make rapid, high-stakes decisions, with some team members taking “salary sacrifices” for months in order to keep the business running. Despite the challenges, Aghnia is proud of how her team navigated the crisis. 


Their willingness to ensure the company’s survival was a testament to the strong, supportive culture they had built. In the end, the business emerged stronger, “I was so proud that after two years, when we made profit again, we were able to just pay everybody back what they had sacrificed for those few months.”


Reflections: the value of community


“We are always on a massive hamster wheel because technology moves fast, because we have lots of responsibilities.” 


Aghnia emphasises the importance of pausing to reflect, a practice often overlooked in the fast-paced technology industry. In her view, creating spaces for reflection is crucial for technology leaders who bear significant responsibilities. Events like The Studio offer a rare opportunity to allow technologists to contemplate their work and the direction in which they are heading.


Watch the full Leader’s Corner interview with Somayeh Aghnia.

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