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Contributing Editors

Rich Corbridge
Director General (CDIO), Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Joanna Pamphilis
CDIO, UniCredit

Paul Coby
CIO, Persimmon Homes PLC

Amitabh Apte
VP, Global CIO, Mars

Georgina Owens
CTO, William Hill International

Danny Attias
Chief Digital & Information Officer, London Business School

Daniel Bowden
Global CISO, Marsh
Lee Fulmer
Chairman, Transforming Data Collection Board, Bank of England

Gerard McGovern
Director, Digital, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Ian Cohen
Chief Product & Information Officer, Acacium Group
Chief Digital and Customer Experience Officer, Free au Sénégal

Ash Roots
CDO, University of Exeter ·

Richard Newsome
CTO, Daemon Solutions

Debbie Ellison
Global Chief Digital Officer, VMLY&R

Laura Dawson
Chief Information Officer, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Aidan Hancock
CIO, Johnson Matthey
Sandeep Pandey
Group CTO, FWD Insurance

Jots Sehmbi
Chief Information Officer, University of London City
Sarah Needham
Executive Leadership Advisor & Coach, Unique-U Coaching
David Harding
Director, The Harding Method
Emma Smith
Director of Transformation, University of Bath

Walt Carter
Chief Digital Officer, Homestar Financial Corporation