Leader’s Corner: Preeti Saini, IFS

From her beginnings in B2B technology to overcoming imposter syndrome, Preeti shares her journey, leadership insights and strategies for staying ahead in the dynamic world of marketing.


Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at IFS, Preeti Saini shares her reflections on a career she describes as "humbling," highlighting the pivotal role of people and opportunities that shaped her remarkable trajectory. 


Discover more as we explore Preeti's journey, from her strategies for staying on top of industry trends to her vision for the future of IFS marketing in this exclusive Leader’s Corner interview at The Studio.


Leader’s Corner insights with Preeti Saini

While studying business at university, Preeti Saini took part in an industrial placement for the marketing company Nortel Networks, setting the course for her career in marketing.


“I knew that I wanted to stay in B2B tech because it was technology, and I knew it confirmed that marketing was really where I wanted to be.”


Facing challenges of imposter syndrome, Preeti overcame self-doubt through coaching and assertiveness, guided by compliments and positive feedback.


“I think sometimes you always look for the negative feedback, but also listen up for the good things because that is the thing that gives you the confidence and learning to be assertive. That was one of the things that I had to really train myself to do.”


As a leader, she emphasises elevating her team, blending motivational coaching with a supportive approach. The real question that leaders should be asking themselves in Preeti’s view is “how do I get them feeling good about what they do?”


Rather than becoming a harsh and dictatorial leader, Preeti was determined to “bring people on a journey”. While on her own marketing leadership journey, she realised the value and importance of coaching. 


“So it's not about always being the one with the answer or giving the solution. But how do you help your team come to that solution?”


Discover more in the full interview with Preeti Saini.


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