Doug Drinkwater

Business technology editor, publisher and strategist with more than a decade of experience in media. Doug has worked for a number of leading B2B and B2C technology publications

Vector Group

All Articles By Doug Drinkwater

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How to improve AI literacy

21 May 2024

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Global CFO 100: CFO priorities for 2025 and beyond

18 May 2024


Global CISO 100: How to prevent burnout

11 Feb 2024


Accelerate AI by Protecting Your Crown Jewels

30 Jan 2024

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AI’s Balancing Act: Transformation vs Control

24 Jan 2024

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Meet-Up: Technology Leaders, November

27 Nov 2023


The C-suite's role in digital inclusion and accessibility

27 Nov 2023

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Decoding AI in the era of infinite intelligence

26 Oct 2023

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