C-suite Events

Making sense of your unstructured data

Written by Doug Drinkwater | May 22, 2024 8:21:17 AM

The Masterclass

Making sense of your unstructured data

In partnership with

Explore how LLMs are transforming unstructured data in businesses. This session explores the challenges of managing unstructured data like PDFs and audio recordings and how AI makes this information instantly accessible and usable.

Learn about innovative AI applications that categorise and organise scattered documents, enabling quick and efficient data retrieval - and ultimately higher levels of productivity. Discover strategies for leveraging AI to unlock valuable insights and drive business growth from your unstructured data.


Making sense of your unstructured data

πŸ“ Location: Virtual Event
πŸ—“ Date: 6th November 2024
πŸ•› Time: 12 - 2 PM
πŸ‘₯ The Hosts: Peter Stojanovic, Editor | Doug Drinkwater, Director of Strategy


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